Saturday, June 9, 2012

Draper Temple Trip

 Jason took Hunter and 2 of her friends to the Draper Temple the week she turned 12.
I was able to watch Jason baptize the 3 girls.  It was so awesome.  I am so proud of Hunter and her friends.

Piano Recital and Mother's Day

 Halle played  Favorites Things from the Sound of Music for her piano recital this year.
 Hunter played Canon in D for her piano recital this year.  
 We bribed the Grandma's, if they came to the recital we would take them to dinner.
What cute Grandma's.  Happy Mother's Day and thanks for coming.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We've Moved . . .

Due to the high number of sickos and perverts out there, we have decided to remove our last name from our blog address. We have considered going private but have decided to try this and see how it goes. Our new blog address is We apologize for the inconvenience but we were worried about the safety of our children. Please remove our last name from your sidebar if it is listed there. We have removed your last names from our blog too. We will leave this page up for the time being until everyone finds our new address. Thanks for your help and understanding!